Unpacking the Build Process: Part 2

Part 2 looks at the core of the build process, turning the source into compiled code. In Serpent OS this is handled by our build tool boulder. It is usually the part of the build that takes the longest, so where speed ups have the most impact. How long it takes is largely down to the performance of your compiler and what compile flags you are building with.

This post follows on from Part 1.

Turning Source into Compiled Code

The steps for compiling code are generally quite straight-forward:

  • Setting up the build (cmake, configure, meson)
  • Compiling the source (in parallel threads)
  • Installing the build into a package directory

This will build software compiled against packages installed on your system. It’s a bit more complicated when packaging as we first set up an environment to compile in (Part 1). But even then you have many choices to make and each can have an impact on how long it takes to compile the code. Do you build with Link Time Optimizations (LTO) or Profile Guided Optimizations (PGO), do you build the package for performance or for the smallest size? Then there’s packages that benefit considerably from individual tuning flags (like -fno-semantic-interposition with python). With so many possibilities, boulder helps us utilize them through convenient configuration options.

What Makes boulder so Special?

As I do a lot of packaging and performance tuning, boulder is where I spend most of my time. Here are some key features that boulder brings to make my life easier.

  • Ultimate control over build C/CXX/LDFLAGS via the tuning key
  • Integrated 2 stage context sensitive PGO builds with a single line workload
  • Able to switch between gnu and llvm toolchains easily
  • Rules based package creation
  • Control the extraction locations for multiple upstream tarballs

boulder will also be used to generate and amend our stone.yml files to take care of as much as possible automatically. This is only the beginning for boulder as it will continue to be expanded to learn new tricks to make packaging more automated and able to bring more information to help packagers know when they can improve their stone.yml, or alert them that something might be missing.

Serpent OS is focused on the performance of produced packages, even if that means that builds will take longer to complete. This is why we have put in significant efforts to speed up the compiler and setup tools in order to offset and minimize the time needed to enable greater performance.

Why do You Care so Much About Setup Time?

My initial testing focused on the performance of clang as well as the time taken to run cmake and configure. This lays the foundation for all future work in expanding the Serpent OS package archives at a much faster pace. On the surface, running cmake can be a small part of the overall build. However, it is important in that it utilizes a single thread, so is not sped up by adding more CPU cores like the compile time is. With a more compile heavy build, our highly tuned compiler can build the source in around 75s. So tuning the setup step to run in 5s rather than 10s actually reduces the overall build time by an additional 6%!

There are many smaller packages where the setup time is an even higher proportion of the overall build and becomes more relevant as you increase the numbers of threads on the builder. For example, when building nano on the host, the configure step takes 13.5s, while the build itself takes only 2.3s, so there’s significant gains to be had from speeding up the setup stage of a build (which we will absolutely be taking advantage of!).

A Closer Look at the clang Compiler’s Performance

A first cut of the compiler results were shared earlier in Initial Performance Testing, and given the importance to overall build time, I’ve been taking a closer look. In the post I said that "At stages where I would have expected to be ahead already, the compile performance was only equal" and now I have identified the discrepancy.

I’ve tested multiple configurations for the clang compiler and noticed that changing the default standard C++ library makes a difference to the time of this particular build. The difference in the two runs is compiling llvm-ar with the LLVM libraries of compiler-rt/libc++/libunwind or the GNU libraries of libgcc/libstdc++. And just to be clear, this is increasing the time of compiling llvm-ar with libc++ vs libstdc++ and not to do with the performance of either library. The clang compiler itself is built with libc++ in both cases as it produces a faster compiler.

Test using clangSerpent LLVM libsSerpent GNU libsHost
cmake LLVM5.89s5.67s10.58s
Compile -j4 llvm-ar126.16s112.51s155.32s
configure gettext36.64s36.98s63.55s

The host now takes 38% longer than the Serpent OS clang when building with the same GNU libraries and is much more in line with my expectations. Next steps will be getting bolt and perf integrated into Serpent OS to see if we can shave even more time off the build.

What remains unclear is whether this difference is due to something specifically in the LLVM build or whether it would translate to other C++ packages. I haven’t noticed a 10% increase in build time when performing the full compiler build with libc++ vs libstdc++.